Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 things I Have Learned While In Uganda

During my time here I have learned many many things here is a list of some of them:

1. How to use a squatty potty like a pro.
2. Cook matooke, rice, posho, ground nuts, and beans all in a hand made banana leaf steamer on a charcoal stove.
3. Navigate the public taxi system.
4. Ride and drive a piki piki (motorcycle)
5. Identify and grow local produce such as cabbage, beans, corn, carrots, onions, green peppers, greens, cassava, pineapple, yams, and eggplant.
6. Fetch water from the boar whole.
7. How to kill, clean, and cook a whole chicken,
8. Wash my clothes, towel, and sheets by hand in under an hour.
9. Dig with a hoe.
10. Catch a rat in the middle of the night (refer to next blog).

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