Wednesday, December 17, 2008

More Pictures

Hey everyone, I uploaded more pictures. To take a look click on the link I put on the side of my blog. I also added some links to good Ugandan/African News websites and to the other Minerva Fellows Blogs. You should take a look at the blogs they are very interesting.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Becky.
the pictures link did not work for me. Could you double-check it?

McCurdy_Miller said...

The picture website works fine. It is really simple.

Enjoy them!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky, The pictures are fantastic - thanks so much for posting them. (I used McCurdy's url.) I'm sure there's a story behind each one and I can't wait to hear them. Hope you have a wonderful time with your family next week. Love, Linda

Anonymous said...

Becky, the photo of the little girl carrying her baby doll on her back (#4659) is FABULOUS. I would love to own a copy of that picture -- McCurdy and I will figure out how to print one, or when you come home in the spring, maybe we can arrange something. The photos are getting more poignant while at the same time expressing a sense of hope -- wonderful work! It snowed here about 8 inches yesterday and overnight, so even though you are working like crazy,it is toward a goal, not just moving frozen water around. We love you, Lucy

Anonymous said...

Thank you, dear McCurdy, for your help with the pictures link! I appreciate it. The pictures are simply wonderful. Becky and Steve, you two are an inspiration!
